Ground Rules of Writing a Good Review

by Ted Alcala

Tried and tested, in a lot of ways means trusted. When customers want to purchase products or use a service they want to know if it will be worthy of the time and money they spend on it.

Think of the time when you considered buying a cell phone but after sifting through the consumer reviews decided against it? First hand reviews make an impact and substantially affect the user’s decision of investing in a company, applying for a job in an organization or serving an institution.

The next few paragraphs have suggestions to help you increase your visitors’ database.

Consumers usually review the restaurants they have visited or are looking forward to go to. Websites with a review on movies or books are plagued by movie buffs and avid readers. Other commonly viewed reviews are for business, various products and services, websites and travelling.

The essence of an article is in its relevance. Internet has sharpened our customers and they have a strong sense of understanding which makes them pick a website which can cater to their needs. Keep your reviews realistic and base it on your personal experience. Explore your customer’s requirements and improvise your website by using your reader’s wants as a road map. If you unravel solutions targeting your audience’s needs they will cling to your website like jealous lovers.

Examples of sharing your know-how of things are:

If you are a devoted to music then you sharing your viewpoint on songs and artists you listen to will certainly interest others who may be new to the genre of music you wrote of. Similarly, passionate moviegoers can share their take at movies they watched, criticizing or praising the work done by those involved in making the movie. Bookworms writing a review of books they’ve read, helps another reviewer choose or not choose that book for themselves.

Some rules which make or break your reviews are:

Your readers are checking your review either because to help them with their decision-making or to solve a problem. So keep your review original and talk about your personal experience. Discussing the pros and cons so that they know what should be expected can make your article unique. Furnish them with authentic, specific and practical knowledge of the product or service.

Reviews demand a non – discriminatory view from the reviewer. Unabashedly broadcasting a review that negatively affects a brand or an individual is distasteful for the readers. Astounding reviews to praise a certain brand used solely for the purpose of promotion is highly scrutinized.

Being the devil’s advocate is an essential prerequisite for writing reviews.

Lastly, without a doubt, you should consider the length of your article before writing the review. Feature dumping your customers with all the facts and figures may make them lose interest halfway through the article. Furthermore, reducing your article to a skimpy review will mean that important information may have been omitted. A 500-700 word article makes for a good review without wasting precious time spent by the users reading it.

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