The Theory behind Huawei Location Services

by Ted Alcala

Huawei location services are rapidly gaining popularity among app developers registered under the Huawei Developer platform. The platform offers numerous kits to assist app developers (to a very large extent) achieve their aims.

As an app developer, this option is as open to you as the next person. All you need to do to tap into the potential of the Huawei location services is register under the developers` platform. The location services seem even more in use than the popular Huawei wallet kit. But that is not the major aim of this article. For now, we will be focusing on the intricacies of the Huawei location services.

We will open with a brief introduction of the Huawei location services. We will subsequently consider its features and advantages. Hopefully, at the end of this article, you would be convinced to join the massive community of app developers, already enjoying this feature.

Intro to Huawei Location Services

Huawei location kit operates on an almost perfect system. The system makes use of other factors in determining to an almost accurate extent, a given position or location. The factors employed in the use of the Huawei location services include

  • Local Wi-Fi signals
  • Base Station signals
  • As well as GPS assistance

All these factors work together via the Huawei Location kit to triangulate in more detail, a given position.

Practical Uses of the Huawei Location Services

In what ways can the Huawei location kit be employed? The uses of the location kit are too many to start going through one after the other. However, we will outline the most popular as well as currently inventive uses of the Huawei location kit.

  1. Traffic and Pedestrian Navigation: This is useful in finding your way around in unfamiliar territories or regions.
  2. Food, Drinks and Relaxation Spots:The location kit services could be implemented in the finding of spots to eat, drink or relax close to your current location. But more than that, with suitable apps, the location kit could be employed in tracking meal delivery personnel.
  3. Travel and Accommodation Planning: As a tourist, proper use of the Huawei kit paired with the right app can assist you in making proper travel plans. Lodging and accommodation, as well as sites to visit, could all be pre-planned.
  4. Local Essential Information:Weather forecast, as well as other vital local news, could be gotten in relation with a chosen location with the use of the Huawei Location kit.

Advantages of Using the Huawei Location Services

  1. Minimal Consumption of Power: Huawei location kit provides geo services that require minimal power consumption. So your battery would not run down fast just as a result of location services. By extension, geo-fencing is made about 35 per cent easier.
  2. Accuracy:The accuracy has been upgraded to be able to recognise and perfectly display more details on the map. Such details include roadsides.
  3. Speed:The time spent in searching for a particular location is mostly less than a second.
  4. Excellent Rates:The Huawei Location kit has been tested and possesses an extremely high success rate in searching for locations. Up to 99% success rate is recorded.


The Huawei location kit is just about as handy as they come. The location services are useful and effective in determining location, as well as other mapping services. The Super GPS feature ensures that the chances of getting lost are minimal or nil.

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